Monday, August 27, 2012

Technology, A Necessary Evil

It is great to be connected all the time isn't? We love our gadgets and whatnots that make our lives easier, right? That is until they stop working properly. I have been in a bit of a black hole lately with my internet service being less than optimal. My gut says it is my laptop but my heart hopes it is the cable connection. I have been at a loss to get onto Facebook and email. It is great to have and frequently use until it doesn't work. Than it is frustrating beyond all reason.
Not only has my internet been on the fritz but the mini cell tower I have in my house to boost cell signal is not working either. What is it with this stuff? I just replaced the tower 2 or 3 months ago.
These hiccups come in threes. What is next? Microwave? Fridge?
Better sign off since it took me longer to finally get an internet connection. Past my bedtime.

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