Monday, August 27, 2012

Technology, A Necessary Evil

It is great to be connected all the time isn't? We love our gadgets and whatnots that make our lives easier, right? That is until they stop working properly. I have been in a bit of a black hole lately with my internet service being less than optimal. My gut says it is my laptop but my heart hopes it is the cable connection. I have been at a loss to get onto Facebook and email. It is great to have and frequently use until it doesn't work. Than it is frustrating beyond all reason.
Not only has my internet been on the fritz but the mini cell tower I have in my house to boost cell signal is not working either. What is it with this stuff? I just replaced the tower 2 or 3 months ago.
These hiccups come in threes. What is next? Microwave? Fridge?
Better sign off since it took me longer to finally get an internet connection. Past my bedtime.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

How much is your time worth?

How much time do we spend picking up toys, mail, clothes, etc? How much time is spent being you? Probably not as much as being a wife, mom, maid, chauffeur, juggler or cruise director, right?
So, I spend a lot time crafting. While I have been more and more successful selling my hair accessories, I still don't sell enough to make a profit. So how do you price your items to really show the value of your time? I have seen some formulas but I am intimidated by how much that would jack up my prices.
My time is valuable. Your time is valuable. How do you find the balance between what your time is worth and what your items will sell for?  Haven't found it yet. Anyone have tips?
Not only are we as moms trying to find a way keep it all together but get value out of all of the other stuff we do everyday. Granted, at home we will never be paid for what we are worth. Can we find a value in just being a mom? Yes, but I think it easy to forget that we are valued.
Have faith that no matter what you do as a mom, wife and every other role is valuable and that you are valued in everything you do whether you see it or not.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

I am excited to mention a few more fun things you will soon find on this blog. I soon hope to have some random contributors with smart and interesting tidbits on car care, emergency preparedness and maybe easy haircare tips. Stay tuned.

Rock and a Hard Place

Ever wonder if you are in control of your life? I don't know about you but my past seems to control my thoughts and actions for days at a time. To say nothing of the wants, needs and demands of my family, who's life is this really?
Sure I say I can let go of the past. I say I can forgive. But have I really? Hard to say. I frequently recall the decision to leave my longtime employer. This was a company I loved, I found my identity in, I grew up in. It was hard to realize that while I had a fierce allegiance to my job and company, the feeling was not reciprocated. Sure, that felt like a kick in the teeth but I still managed to do my job every day and do it well. I had the respect of my coworkers and colleagues. Then it came to time just leave. I abruptly put in my two weeks. I worked up the nerve to tell my boss why I was leaving. You questioned my integrity I said. I would like to forgive you for that. I was justified in my actions, was the response, I was doing my job. Ouch!
So why, after a year, do I still have hard feelings? Whether you believe in God or a higher power, sometimes there are situations that are just out of your control. I was a control freak. I need a twelve step program for my controls issues! This company had always been my rock and then I was in a hard place.
I decided that I was not going to tolerate being disrespected anymore and I refused to bring home feelings of resentment. No way I was going make my home as toxic as it was at work.
So why am I still not over it? Contol issues, God still working in me? Who knows. But I have my faith as a mom that something better came from that hard place. I think I am better for it. I know my family is better for it. Best of all, I was able to experience and witness things with my kids that I would have missed. So, all you moms out there struggling with this, that or the other thing, have faith. Something will change, always does!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Very excited to be adding some personality photos to my blog. I have been able to add Laura,owner of Organizing with Laura (OWLs) and contributor to our Organization tip of the month. Corinne, owner of Heartfelt Massage, our resident tipster on relaxation techniques and good food recipes.
Be on the lookout in early October for their monthly contributions.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Ever feel like technology is sucking the life out of you? I am trying so hard to get my blogs in order and doing so is starting an avalanche of information I have no idea what to do with, how to sift through it, how to put filters on it, etc! Perhaps I will try it tomorrow....
I am excited to try another blog format. This is going to be a fun blog to follow as I help friends promote their small businesses.
Having faith in life changes both as a mother and an individual. Look here for tips from me and other moms to help keep in touch with reality and sanity.
 I will feature a weekly tip from Organizing with Laura on how to stay organized, Relaxation techniques and rocking recipes with Corinne, Fun crafty things and family fun ideas by me, Anne. I am hoping to find more small businesses who can add something to this blog.
Have any ideas, let me know!
Stay tuned...more fun stuff is just around the