Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Simple Pleasures

Welcome to week two of our feature writers. Enjoy!

Hi All!  I thank you for your time in reading my entry on Anne’s blog.  My name is Jennifer Lautenbach and I am a fabulous gal who is a wife, a stay-at-home mom (who doesn’t stay home all the time) and a small business owner.  I host at home (your home) parties featuring home décor and jewelry.  I will say that I never pictured myself involved with direct sales.  I did not have any prior sales experience, but over the last two years I have discovered great enjoyment in this industry.  Why, you ask?
·         Although the benefits are spectacular, being a stay-at-home mom pays surprising little!
o        I have 3 small boys (with very large appetites) and a wonderful husband that works extra so that I may stay home with the boys.  Having my own business allows me to work around the boys’ & Dean’s schedule.  We can also afford karate classes, and milk, and swimming lessons, and bread, and a family trip to Eastern Washington this summer.
·         I love being part of a team.
o        I played softball for 22 years.  For the last 6 years I have either been pregnant or unable to leave a baby so I was so happy to join a terrific direct sales team.  We cheer each other’s successes, encourage when discouraged and just enjoy our times together.
·         Partying makes everyone happy!
o        It is very easy to have a good time when the people around you are laughing, snacking and shopping.  My hostesses love the free product they receive, their guests love getting fun decorating tips and I love the positive feedback.  When someone comes up to me at a party and tells me what a great presentation I gave, it is right under my son, Max, telling me how beautiful I am.  I feel great!
In my blog contributions I hope inspire your sense of hospitality and warmth of welcome.  That by elevating every day actions we may create a home that embraces you and yours as you enter its safety.  It may be as simple as serving milk out of a glass pitcher on a Thursday which encourages the family to linger around the dinner table and catch up.  “There is nothing like staying at home for real comfort.”  Jane Austen 
You may be interested in my Facebook page at or my Pinterest boards at

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