Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Get Organized

I am happy to bring you the first of our feature writers. Laura Anderson is going to help us all get more organized. What could be a better time to get organized than before the rush of the busy holiday season? Without further ado...

Laura Anderson
Organize With Laura
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I’m excited to be a monthly contributor to Faith of a Mom!  I’ll be sharing organizational tips and ideas for your life, home, office, and party & event planning.  I welcome your comments, and encourage you to share your tips and ideas.  Together, we can help each other live our best life!
My name is Laura Anderson.  I’m an organizer.  I own ‘Organize With Laura’ (OWL).  My business is helping people reclaim their lives from clutter and chaos.  I de-clutter and organize homes and offices.  I also plan and organize weddings, parties and events.  Organizing is my passion!  I started OWL to help people live their best life.  During my 20+ years in corporate America, and 10+ years in self-employment, I’ve witnessed first-hand the stresses and effects of the ultra-busy lives we live—on ourselves, and on our families.  Chaos can be all consuming.  My goal is to help you eliminate that chaos, so you can do what you really want and deserve to do: enjoy life!

1.       PRIORITIZE YOUR DAY.  Do what you need to do, then ENJOY your life.

2.       LEARN WHEN TO SAY “NO.”  Delegate what you do not personally need to do.  Set appropriate boundaries to your workload, both personally & professionally.   

3.       DE-CLUTTER YOUR LIFE (LESS STUFF = MORE TIME).  Initially this will take some “time”, but the rewards you’ll reap in the long run are enormous.  Eliminate the nonessentials at home and office.  What you don’t need or use, try to sell, donate, or recycle.  Organize your files, closets, desk and life.

4.       BE EFFICIENT.  Handle every piece of paper, email, mail and voice message as they arrive.     

5.       HAVE YOUR OWN “TIME OUTS” (ADULTS NEED RECESS, TOO).  Make your lunch, break, dinner, family, pet and partner times all sacred.  Detach yourself from your smart phone, tablet, and computer for at least 4 hours a day (sleeping hours don’t count!). 

6.       AN HOUR A DAY KEEPS THE DOCTOR AWAY.  Maintain healthy habits; exercise/play, quiet time/meditation, enough sleep and healthy eating habits.  You’ll feel less stressed.

7.       TIME HAS VALUE.  Separate work from your personal life (without guilt!).  Take your vacation, holidays, and earned time off.  You earned it!

Follow ‘Organize With Laura’ on Facebook and Twitter @OrganizeWLaura  

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